Tuesday, October 8, 2013

27 Weeks!


I cannot believe the third trimester started this week!  As cliche as it may sound, it seems like just yesterday we saw the positive sign on the pregnancy test.  In some ways I'm glad time is flying- I cannot wait to meet this little baby!  In other ways I'm scared that it's all becoming so real, so fast.  24 hour diaper duty and no sleep?  Can I handle it?!?

I saw this survey floating around and thought I'd use it to update my pregnancy progress.  

How far along? 27 Weeks
Baby is the size of: A cauliflower
Total weight gain: 3 pounds?  I was overweight to begin with!
Gender: It’s a boy!
Name: We have a few contenders, but really want to meet him before we pick a name.  
Maternity Clothes: I'm living in maternity jeans and comfy tops (when I decide to get out of pajamas, that is!)
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep: I'm starting to get a little restless with leg and back pain, but I'm making up for it with lots of naps.
Movement: If his out of utero behavior is anything like what I'm feeling throughout this pregnancy, then this is going to be one very mellow baby (like his daddy).  He moves infrequently but enough for me to not worry.  He loves to stretch the second I lie down- it's been fun to watch him move!
Best moment this week: A nice Italian dinner in Berkeley and great conversation with my husband.
Miss Anything: I cannot wait to sleep on my back and to have my non-giant boobs back.
Belly button in or out? In.
Food cravings: Chocolate.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: So far so good.  Although the sight of chicken still puts me over the edge.
Symptoms: I'm an emotional roller coaster. My highs are high and my lows are low.  Ben is being amazing through it all!  
Wedding ring on or off? Off, to be safe.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: All of the above.  :)
Looking forward to: Getting started on the nursery, drinking wine!


  1. Ha ha...loved it. Very funny. Hope to read a similar post once you have your little one.

  2. […] 27 Weeks! (lipsticklavenderandlove.wordpress.com) […]

  3. Yes, you can handle it!! Love your new blog, Anna! But I love YOU more!! xx
