Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dear Mr. D

Dear Husband,
Right now you are washing dishes and dirty baby bottles as I leisurely sit on the couch writing this blog post.  There is a sleeping four week old whom you just rocked to sleep for his morning nap.  You go back to work tomorrow and in doing so make it possible for me to stay at home with this little babe.  While you were home with us, you mastered diaper changes, rocked and bounced Hugo until your back literally ached, tidied up the house, and did everything else imaginable to make our lives easier.  You did this with a positive attitude, laughter, and a love for us I don't know if I'll ever comprehend.  Your tender heart and selflessness inspire me to be a better human being and mother.  I'm going to miss you so, so much tomorrow when you go back to work.
When we first started dating I remember being embarrassed and nervous introducing you to my friends because you were "nerdy and weird".  A mere six years ago I was a much younger (in more ways than one) girl who cared too much about how others saw her. You were so wonderfully you- never trying to be someone else in front of others, never hiding your true nature.
When we meet new people now, I am so proud to call you my own, (albeit slightly embarrassed to be introduced as your wife because you are so wonderful and I worry that people will catch on.)   Your weirdness and quirks bewitch me and encompass my heart.  
Thank you for loving me back then and today, for being an amazing father, and for being you every single day.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dear Hugo


Dear Hugo,

You are 16 days old today.  I'm amazed we both survived the last two weeks---me, with adjusting to sleeping in short chunks and being a mother, and you, to adjusting to life outside the womb.  You are getting chubbier by the day and you love eating.  (You don't love latching on without a nipple shield, but we're getting there).  You are a champion sleeper and your dad and I feel lucky to set our phone alarms to wake you up for most feedings.  There are moments when I think you are looking me in the eye but I can't be sure.  

You look like a little old man trapped inside of an infant body and your faces and gestures are hilarious.  (See below).


Ben and I gut-laugh when you poop, fart, and burp, because we are amazed that someone so tiny could produce the most disgusting sounds.  It's pretty darn funny.

The day you entered this world, I didn't feel that instant connection some women feel to their children.  It's been a much less intense, more gradual process.  I love getting to know you and am loving you a little more each day.  I'm also falling more in love with your dad who is rocking the whole parenting thing.  

I'm excited for you to continue to reveal your personality to us, but right now I'm just trying to take in each moment with you and enjoy it.

Keep eating and pooping, 

Mom (Anna)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dear Hugo

Dear Hugo,

Your dad Ben and I still need to write up your birth story before its details become fuzzy, but here are a few things I want to record from the last week or so:

Sleep: Ben is great without it, I am slowly adjusting.  

My heart melts when I see you in your dad's arms, and I see how comfortable he is holding you.  

My favorite time of day is when you are in your quiet alert state, I can see your big beautiful eyes blinking slowly, and you are calm among the storm that is your new life outside the womb.  

I love your smell.  Why do you babies smell so delicious?

I've had more emotions condensed into the last week than I've ever had in life.  It's equal parts anxiety-provoking and equal parts ardent.  

Your rapid breaths as your drift into dreamland remind me that you are a beautiful little human who I feel blessed to take care of.  

That's all for now,


Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome to the world, Hugo James!

Hugo James made his one-week early entrance on December 30th, 2013.  He weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long.  Both baby and I are getting to know one another and sleeping as much as we can.  Birth story to come...Image