Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hugo James, Three Months Old!

Dear Hugo,
Cannot believe you’re three and a half months old!  Ben and I recently looked at some pictures of when I was pregnant, and it’s still so hard to believe that it was YOU in there, that whole time.  
Your personality is really starting to shine.  You are a very calm and serious fellow (like a little old man), but lately you’ve been giving us smiles and coos throughout the day.  You are still sleeping so well (seriously, 8pm-6:45am with 3+ good sized naps, are you trying to convince us not to have any more kids?!), and even with the occasional fuss and nap refusal, you are generally a very mellow little guy!
You are a big boy weighing in at 16.5 pounds, and are about 24 inches long.  (I’m sure these numbers have increased because you were measured and weighed a few weeks ago).  This month you went to the cardiologist to get your heart murmur checked out and you did great!  Your heart is healthy and the doctor says the murmur will fade away in time.
Your favorite times of day are waking up in the morning (you are a true morning lark like me and your grandpa Jim) and bath time. Maybe it’s because you can float in water and feel lighter in the bath than on land.  ;)
You love playing with your musical apple and looking at yourself and other people in the mirror.  It’s a gamble whether or not you enjoy the carseat, but you still love stroller walks with your dad.  
Today you had what I think I’ll call your first official laugh, which melted my heart completely.  You still have striking blue eyes and I wonder if they will change or stay this color.  
Things you currently hate?  Being put down and tummy time!

I can’t wait to see how the next month unfolds.  We love you so much, Hugo!