Friday, May 16, 2014

Hugo James, 4 Months Old!

Dear Hugo,

You are such a delight.  Every month is my favorite month, and every phase is my favorite phase with you.  This month you have shown us your bubbly, chatty side!  You are still a laid back fellow (like your daddy), but these days you love talking, exploring your voice with tea kettle-like noises and really engaging with those around you.  Without fail, you are the chattiest boy in any baby class we go to.  We love this newfound social side of your personality and we are falling more in love with you every day.

Eating:  This month you've started to realize the world is way more fun than eating, and you've been quite the little snacker.  In fact, you decided this week you'd like to eat a little more an hour after you go to bed for the night.  You are still an excellent eater and your fat rolls are doing juuuuust fine.

Sleeping:  Thank you, thank you, Hugo, for the glorious sleep you give us at night and for naps.  You, my friend, love sleeping as much as your dad and I.  You are still sleeping from about 7:30pm-6:45am (amazing, we are so spoiled!), and napping 3-4 times per day.  It's been difficult to get you to go to sleep for the night--we are attributing this struggle to the insane amount of learning happening during the day. You are also the most adorable baby-waker-upper ever.  You are so giggly when we come get you out of your crib and you give us the most hammy smiles ever.  Cuteness.

Development:  So much is happening in this department (see funky eating and sleeping above)  In the last week, you went from "laziest fat baby hating tummy time" to "look at my future rock-hard-abs I'm kicking tummy time's ass".  It's so fun to watch you engage with yourself in the mirror and pass toys to yourself.  Speaking of that, you are reaching for lots of toys and love putting everything into your mouth.  Your favorite toys include Winston, the mirror, the Swish toy, and your thumb.  You are also getting closer to rolling over.  I imagine it will happen soon.  Your physical strength has been wonderful and is improving every day.

Miscellaneous:  You still love baths.  You hate being rolled over from tummy time onto your back.  You love when your dad tickles you and when your mom whispers into your ear.  You hate getting in and out of the carseat.  You love being rescued from your crib.

Hugo, this month has been a blast and we love you dearly!

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